Today is your opportunity to sow your financial seeds into Love New York ministry, an amazing soil. This ministry activates and thrusts believers into their communities to save souls. We are committed to working with churches and believers nationwide, throwing the net out, raising up laborers to help to gather in the end-time harvest.
Every day we wake with a hunger to see souls saved. Our hearts are burning to see His kingdom in every heart. Every time you sow into this ministry your financial seeds goes into the harvest, souls are rescued, believers are awakening and activated to live the life they were called to, a lifestyle of mission and purpose.
Your financial support allows us to work in the field and bring forth fruit daily. It is through your gifts that we can minister in the fields of NYC. The Harvest is plentiful, and it is ripe and ready for gathering. We are living in amazing times where His Spirit is upon us and signs and wonders, miracles are happening in our midst.
When you sow, give because you love the vision of this ministry, give because you love this city and above all give to see lives saved and transformed for the glory of God.
Love New York depends solely upon gifts of individual Christians and congregations. Partner financially with us today. Every tax-deductible gift sown is greatly appreciated.

Robert has been serving in New York City as the full time Outreach Director for Love New York. As part of his assignment, and as an alum of Christ for All Nations (2014) School of Evangelism, he teaches, models and activates laborers for the Harvest.
Love New York’s mission is to serve the body of Christ through practical teaching and walking out daily lifestyle intimacy and missions. Robert’s role as Outreach Director has differing components, all leading to the same end result – empowered believers who know their identity, inheritance, and purpose in Christ.
Whether it is by strategizing with the LNY team, leading outreaches through the boroughs or demonstrating the lifestyle, Robert’s desire is to see the body of Christ truly alive and burning for Jesus 24/7.
Robert is married to Coleen and has two daughters, Shiloh and Sabali. Born in Barbados, he loves cooking, travel, and the outdoors.
Robert sees NYC as what Heaven will be like in God’s eyes – every nation, tribe and tongue represented.

Monephia “Monique” Thompson is a full time minister in New York City serving with Love New York as the Langston Hughes Lead Outreach, Disciple and Church Planter. She believes God is rewriting a story where the community, presently full of violence and deaths, will experience healing and freedom in Christ. It is her desire to see even the hardest gang members set free by the love of Jesus through the Bible studies and monthly outreaches that she leads.
Monephia has a great passion to evangelize and loves to usher souls into the Kingdom of God. She believes in empowering Christians to carry the burden of the Lord to see people saved. Monephia encourages believers to tap into the gifts of God to help with evangelism. She teaches on hearing God and operating with the Holy Spirit for prophetic gifts.
Monephia was born in Jamaica. She owns a christian clothing company called Adorned By Jesus LLC. The company is geared towards creating christian merchandise that can be used as an evangelism tool. Monephia desires that souls will know Jesus through her life and her designs.
You can help support and sow into Love New York’s Missionary Monephia through donations or through purchasing her merchandise at All purchased gifts help her to serve on board as a missionary with Love New York.